Friday, December 14, 2012


First of all, DIGI I just wanna give you a big damn shit ! You screw all the thing of me !!!
Honestly, I was not really like this kind shit feeling when its my holiday
Everything happen on me
Flirt with other girl? I dont even give a damn shit on other girl !
Even though she was my friend since me in primary school.
We just a close friend and might even better than other girl's friend just like you always call them "BRO"
Thats all ntg more than close friend between me n her.
Then how about yours? Close friends with flirty language ?
Care ? Miss ? Or what else?
Im really sick of it and i dont even want to bother at all
and also I already used to it
And mine case just a photo and make us until like that
Is it me cant capture a girl's friend photo even Im not in that photo?
If it is, then how your photo? stand just a few miles beside ? What is that ?
Rules tell us that girls always right and boys was wrong all the time?
Well, this is SHIT !!!
Why you can do like this and me cant?
Because your horoscope is friendly ? and mine wasn't ?
Personality is depends on yourself and not use horoscope as excuse !
And everytime You just for your friend and doesnt consider yourself
Its night and want to go back your hostel by yourself and your friends was stay at others are hostel
that party is so important? Got marks can help you on your examination?
Whats the point you want to go and yourself back alone in night? Already happen few case in your U d
And you still wan like this.
Whatever, whenever
You want ,just go for it,I care I stop in the end ,We cant avoid argument.

Shit you 2012!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Swag's life

Welcome back, Im here again.
Recently there alot of thing happen between me and you
I dont know what should i said, me and your opinion wont same sometimes.
Is it the main reason always cause us argue all the time?
I wish to solve it everytime, but our tone wont help us at all.
You have your opinion and i have mine.
Sometimes i admit that i want you follow my way all the time.
but i know that you wont, maybe this is my attitude? Im selfish guy, sorry =(

Our distance is getting far and far again, not just physically and also mentally
Your birthday is getting near, and me cant be the first one who help you to celebrate, =X
when you back , i will celebrate for you again,okay?

Honestly,some times i wish that you beside me all the time,so that me can go out with you anytime.
But now ...
I wish you were here
I wish that time can flash back to before
I wish that everyday when i woke up,you were beside me too

Well,and i wish that I can skip those December and fast forward to January =(
I just wish....
Hope that i can stay with you forever  <3 br="br">

Thursday, October 4, 2012

我回来了 最近也不知在忙些什么 总有忙不完的东西和烦恼
也不知道这些烦恼从哪儿冒出来 我想 来来去去都是那件事吧 
不知不觉 你也去了那儿一个月多
有些事或许已经改变了 可是还是改变不了某些事
有时在某些情况下 我希望你能明白我所做的决定 
人大了 要顾虑的东西也会越来越多
我的立场 可能我只是在顾着我自己 


变好变坏 我也不知道
只想达到我的目标 其他的对我来说,到时才看吧 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


真的不够勇敢 请你原谅我的懦弱
我无法把握远距离的爱情 我不知该如何经营我们之间的爱情

也许 某天你会找到比我更好的人 
也许 我真的没有你想像中的那么好
也许 我没有珍惜你
没有把握的我 请你原谅 我并不是在逃避 
把我忘了 或许 在哪里也可以少了许多的烦恼  把我忘了 在哪里你可以开始新的生活
我没有报握 我也不想再耽误你的青春
我会一个人 好好的生活 适应着没有你的生活
可能这是残忍的决定 但它也是我们唯一能解决的方法
少了我的存在 你也少了一份负担 
少了我的出现 你也自由了 
可能 我无法让你幸福
我也该放手 让你自由去找你真正的幸福
说好的幸福 抱歉我没有做到
也许我 没有资格和你谈上幸福这两个字
耽误了你这几年 对不起 
谢谢你这几年来 一直在在体谅我的不成熟
辜负你了 这是我的错
你没错 我一点也不配得上你 


别再为我烦恼 为我生气

Monday, March 26, 2012

monday blue. 27/3/12

Well I had no way to express for my feeling recently,so Im back to blogger.
yea,its hurt again. what to do? i had try my best again and again.but today I had realize that no matter how hard i try,the end still the same,wont change at all.its truth.and maybe Im not able to maintain my relationship very well.
You always told me that there was no different between science class and econ class. But no,distance always there. As usual,opinion always id the trouble maker.Second,your favorite and mine.Third,lifestyle.
Those are always make us tears and argue. Im fucking desperate about those trouble maker.

Yea ,maybe the previous me not able to care you or love you as you want.But when i try so hard to change and improve,there always have complain or new challenge pop out.Can someone teach me? lead me ?
okay,you say you want watch that drama live,so you go your friends house and watch,but alone with that guy until late night ka back? Really ? really? really? really chase drama until like this? i kinda don't understand,whats the different between live and watch on internet ? yea,everyone like to watch live football match,but want see live match or movie,we also see the situation right? Or should i close my eye and dont think about it? just let it be? Sometime I dint mention doesn't mean I dont mind,but please,stand at my side and think.
Maybe that guy is your 'bro'? or best friends? I dont know,that feeling telling me that guy seem like more suitable to enter your life than me. both of you have same topic chat? same opinion? same favorite? i dont know,maybe few time i open your facebook account,he sure come and chat with you? or maybe everyday also? yea i know its your privacy,but if you is me? what would you think?

Okay,you going other state study, I worry you dint have more details about your course, I ask for more information for you,but since we discuss, our opinion different again,when its different again,we argue again.
Okay, i dont speak o give any idea about your course,its just wan to avoid argument.
Since you gonna go d,so i try to make our days everyday happy and full of smile, but as i said,no matter how hard i try,or how many times i try, still the same. Then why should i try for? Sometime I dont know why I try so hard for? Try so hard to get tears cold and argue?

Or maybe me should not enter your life since we had meet.So we wont tears so bad.
Sorry,Im ain't perfect.
Maybe other guy will do.=)